June 24th @ 5pm - Anvil
Real Ale - 2008 Barrel-aged Sisyphus Barley Wine
Great Divide - Espresso Oak-aged Yeti
Surprise Cask
June 25th @ 5pm - Flying Saucer
Avery - Maharaja
Left Hand - Twin Sisters
Southern Star - TBD
Surprise Cask
June 26th @
Moylan's - Dry Hop Hopsickle
Stone - Sublimely Self Righteous Dry Hop
Stone - Double Dry Hopped Ruination
Rogue - Saint Rogue Red Ale
Its been great to watch the craft beer scene in Houston expand over the past few years. There was a time when it was difficult to even find good craft beer here and now we've got our first cask beer (mini) festival. New beer bars are popping up around town and more restaurants are not only starting to serve craft beer, but actually understand and emphasize it. Its actually starting to be a pretty good beer town.
RE: Houston Beer Scene
It is amazing how much the scene has changed in the last two years. Heck, how much has popped up over just the past year!
I imagine (hope) this phenomenon is occurring nationwide. Cheers to craft beer!
Sounds fun. If Great Austin Beer Fest was not happening I would def. make it over.
I've got Camp Beer III that weekend on Sunday, so I'm going to stay in Houston for the cask fest and skip the Austin Beer Festival. I'll rely on you and Chris to cover the Austin festivities.
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