Friday, April 30, 2010

Tour and Tasting Day at Independence Brewing

This Saturday is the monthly Tour and Tasting Day out at Independence Brewing in Austin, TX. I'm actually heading up to Austin for it this weekend, so I'll be there wandering around and helping to pour beer.

Independence just recently expanded into the Houston market and began self-distributing around the area last week. Sixpacks are now available at various HEB's on the North side of Houston and kegs have also been delivered to the Petrol Station, Flying Saucer and the Ginger Man. Look for their beers to begin appearing on tap at those locations soon (if not on already). The Flying Saucer is also scheduled to be the first to get the new Mandarin Saison seasonal on tap. The Spec's downtown location also has the full range of Independence beers in bottle.

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